The Perfect Leading And Care Of Our Great Shepherd

“The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
 He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads
 me beside the still waters.” Psalm 23:1-2

He leads me. I certainly need someone to lead me. I am so poor, so blind, so weak, so foolish that, if left to myself, I would fatally err. Lord, never leave me nor forsake me, lest I be undone. 

My Shepherd leads me gently and wisely. He makes no mistakes. He knows the way I ought to go. He knows how much sweet and how much bitter, are best for me. He understands me fully. Oh, how He mingles mercy with judgment!

True, He leads me often in a mysterious way. I see not the end from the beginning. I cannot see afar off. His footsteps are in the sea; clouds and thick darkness surround Him. He gives account of none of His matters. His judgments are a great deep. But He never does wrong. He leads me in the paths of righteousness.

He leads me always — in prosperity and in adversity; in joy and in sorrow. If He left me even for an hour I would be undone.

I sleep, You, Lord, keep vigil over me.

I awake, I am still with You.

the land and on the sea,

I am kept by Your mighty power.

He leads me — and I will follow Him. I will put my hand in His — and go wherever His prudence shall direct.

“Teach me Your way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path” Psalm 27:11

“From the end of the earth I cry to You when my heart is faint; Lead me to the Rock higher than I.” Psalm 61:2

-William Plumer

The Marks Of The Few True Heaven-bound Pilgrims

Fellow pilgrims, the heavenly way we travel is
more or less a lonely way. We have, at most, but few companions. It is a
“little flock,” and only here and there we meet a traveler, who, like
ourselves, is journeying towards heaven.

Because the way is narrow, difficult, and humiliating
to the flesh, there are only a few, under the drawings of the Spirit, who find

If true religion consisted in a ‘mere profession’ then
there are many on the way to heaven.

If the marks of discipleship were merely an orthodox
creed, excited feelings, or denominational zeal, then there are many who ‘find
the way.’

But true pilgrims are those with broken hearts; those who are poor in spirit; those who mourn for sin; those who know the music of the Shepherd’s voice; those who follow the Lamb; those who delight in the throne of grace; and those who love the place of the cross.

-Octavius Winslow

The Invaluable Treasure Of God-given Faith

That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:  1 Peter 1:7

True faith is, in every case, the operation of the Spirit of God. Its nature is purifying, elevating, heavenly.

Wherever true faith is found, it is: the sure mark of eternal election, the sign of a blessed condition, and the forecast of a heavenly destiny.

Faith is the eye of the renewed soul, the hand of the regenerated mind, the mouth of the newborn spirit.

Faith is the evidence of spiritual life, the mainspring of holiness, the foundation of delight, the prophecy of glory, and the dawn of endless knowledge.

If you have true faith, you have infinitely more than he who has all the world.

Faith is the assurance of sonship; the pledge of inheritance;
the grasp of boundless possession; the perception of the invisible.

Within your faith there lies glory, even as the oak sleeps within the acorn.

Time would fail me to tell of the powers, the privileges, the possessions and the prospects of faith.

He that has faith is blessed, for he pleases God, he is justified before the throne of holiness, he has full access to the throne of grace and he has the preparation for reigning with Christ forever.

-C.H. Spurgeon

Believers Are One And Called To Behave As One In Christ

The Lord’s people are all one in Christ; and as such — they are near and dear to Him. They are also one with each other, being one body, influenced by one Spirit, walking by one written rule, and traveling along one consecrated way, to one eternal home!

What a mercy — to be one with Christ! What a mercy — to be one with the people of Christ! Building on the same foundation, encouraging the same hopes, and sharing the same privileges. As branches of the same vine, as stones in the same building, as members of the same body — our connection is close, and our fellowship should be profitable.

We are said to be fellow-citizens, forming part of the same commonwealth, entitled to the same blessings, and required to perform the same duties.

We are fellow-servants in the same family, sitting at the same table, employed in the same service, and doing honor to the same master.

We are fellow-laborers, in the same vineyard, engaged for the same purpose, at the same pay, to aim at the same object.

We are fellow-soldiers, forming part of the same army, engaged in the same warfare, against the same foes.

We are fellow-sufferers, in the same cause, from the same sources, and in the same way.

We are fellow-helpers, and
should assist each other in conflict, in toil, and in trouble.

We are fellow-heirs, being
all of us heirs of God, and joint heirs with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us have fellowship with each other, in all things spiritual and holy; and rejoice in the thought, that though we may differ in circumstantials — we are one in essentials. Yes, being one with Christ — we are all one in Christ. We are members one of another, even as we are members of Christ. Blessed be God for our union to Christ — and fellowship with each other!

-James Smith

Saved To The End By Jesus

Jesus, to whom I have been led to commit myself, has engaged to save me, absolutely, and from first to last. He has promised not only that He will not depart from me — never finally depart from Him! And if He does not do this for me — I have no security against my turning apostate! For I am so weak, inconsistent, and sinful; I am so encompassed with deadly snares from the world; and I am so liable to such assaults from the subtlety, vigilance, and power of Satan — that, unless I am “kept by the power of God,” I am sure I cannot endure to the end!

I do believe that the Lord will keep me while I walk humbly and obediently before Him; but, were this all — it would be cold comfort! For I am prone to wander — and need a Shepherd whose watchful eye, compassionate heart, and boundless mercy — will pity, pardon, and restore my backslidings!

For, though by His goodness and not my own — I have hitherto been preserved in the path of holiness; yet I feel those evils within me, which would shortly break loose and bear me down to destruction, were He not ever present with me to control them.

Those who comfortably hope to see His face in glory — have so deep and painful a sense of their own weakness and vileness, as daily experience forces upon me. I desire to be found in the use of the Lord’s appointed means for the renewal of my spiritual strength — but I dare not undertake to watch a single hour, nor do I find ability to think a good thought, nor a power in myself of resisting any temptation! My strength is perfect weakness — and all I have is sin.

In short, I must sit down in despair — if I did not believe that He who has begun a good work in me, will carry it out to completion.

-John Newton

Kept To The Finish By God Alone!

The doctrine of the
perseverance of the saints has a voice to the unconverted. I know
it had to me. I had seen companions of my boyhood, somewhat more advanced than
myself…soon their moral excellences were swept away. And I found that if I put
my trust in Christ, I had the promise that I should hold on my way, and though I feared I might never be a true believer, and so get the
promise fulfilled to myself, for I was so unworthy, yet the music of it always
charmed me.

“Oh, if I could but come to Christ and hide myself like a dove in his wounds, then I should be safe. If I could but have him to wash me from my past sins, then his Spirit would keep me from future sin, and I should be preserved to the end.” Does not this attract you? Oh, I hope there may be some who will be allured by such a salvation as this. We preach no rickety gospel which will not bear your weight; it is no chariot whose axles will snap, or whose wheels will be taken off. This is no foundation of sand that may sink in the day of the flood. Here is the everlasting God pledging himself by covenant and oath, and he will write his law in your heart that you shall not depart from him; he will keep you, that you shall not wander into sin, and if for awhile you stray, he will restore you again to the paths of righteousness. O young men and maidens, turn in hither! Cast in your lot with Christ and his people. Trust him, trust him, trust him, and then shall this precious truth be yours, and the experience of it be illustrated in your life:

My name from the palms of his hands
Eternity will not erase;
Impressed on his heart it remains
In marks of indelible grace.

Yes, I to the end shall endure,
As sure as the earnest is given;
More happy, but not more secure,
Are the glorified spirits in Heaven!

-C.H Spurgeon

Of The Beautiful Union Of The Saints In Christ

The Lord’s people are all one in Christ; and as such — they are near and dear to Him. They are also one with each other, being one body, influenced by one Spirit, walking by one written rule, and traveling along one consecrated way, to one eternal home!

What a mercy — to be one with Christ! What a mercy — to be one with the people of Christ! Building on the same foundation, encouraging the same hopes, and sharing the same privileges. As branches of the same vine, as stones in the same building, as members of the same body — our connection is close, and our fellowship should be profitable.

We are said to be fellow-citizens, forming part of the same commonwealth, entitled to the same blessings, and required to perform the same duties.

We are fellow-servants in the same family, sitting at the same table, employed in the same service, and doing honor to the same master.

We are fellow-laborers, in the same vineyard, engaged for the same purpose, at the same pay, to aim at the same object.

We are fellow-soldiers, forming part of the same army, engaged in the same warfare, against the same foes.

We are fellow-sufferers, in the same cause, from the same sources, and in the same way.

We are fellow-helpers, and should assist each other in conflict, in toil, and in trouble.

We are fellow-heirs, being
all of us heirs of God, and joint heirs with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us have fellowship with each other, in all things spiritual and holy; and rejoice in the thought, that though we may differ in circumstantials — we are one in essentials. Yes, being one with Christ — we are all one in Christ. We are members one of another, even as we are members of Christ. Blessed be God for our union to Christ — and fellowship with each other!

-James Smith

There Is But One Work That Saves Sinners

Have I then no work to work in this great matter of my pardon? None! What work can you work? What work of yours can buy Divine forgiveness — or make you fit for the Divine favor? What work has God bidden you work in order to obtain salvation? None. His Word is very plain and easy to be understood, “To him who works not — but believes in Him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness” (Romans 4:5). There is but one work by which a man can be saved. That work is not yours — but the work of the Son of God. That work is finished.

-Horatius Bonar

God’s Grace Is Faithful, Not Fickle

When God calls a man, He does not repent of it. God does not, as many friends do: love one day — and hate another; or as princes, who make their subjects favorites, and afterwards throw them into prison. This is the blessedness of a saint — his condition admits of no alteration. God’s call is founded upon His decree — and His decree is immutable. Acts of grace cannot be reversed. God blots out His people’s sins — but not their names.

Thomas Watson 

Jesus, The Infallible Physician

I am bound to speak well of my Physician—He treats me with great tenderness, and bids me in due time to expect a perfect cure. I know too much of Him (though I know but little) to doubt either His skill or His promise.

It is true, I have suffered sad relapses since I have been under His care. Yet I confess, that the fault has not been His—but my own! I am a perverse and unruly patient! I have too often neglected His prescriptions, and broken the regimen He appoints me to observe. This perverseness, joined to the exceeding obstinacy of my disorders, would have caused me to be turned out as an incurable long ago—had I been under any other hand but His! Indeed—there is none like Him! When I have brought myself very low—He has still helped me. Blessed be His name—I am yet kept alive only by means of His perfect care.

Though His medicines are all beneficial—they are not all pleasant. Now and then He gives me a pleasant cordial; but I have many severe disorders, in which there is a needs-be for my frequently taking His bitter and unpalatable medicines!

We sometimes see published in the newspapers, acknowledgments of cures received. Methinks, if I were to publish my own case, that it would run something like this:

“I, John Newton, have long labored under a multitude of grievous disorders:
    a fever of ungoverned passions,
    a cancer of pride,
    a frenzy of wild imaginations,
    a severe lethargy, and
    a deadly stroke!

In this deplorable situation, I suffered many things from many physicians, spent every penny I had—yet only grew worse and worse!

In this condition, Jesus, the Physician of souls, found me when I sought Him not. He undertook my recovery freely, without money and without price—these are His terms with all His patients! My fever is now abated, my senses are restored, my faculties are enlivened! In a word, I am a new man! And from His ability, His promise, and the experience of what He has already done—I have the fullest assurance that He will infallibly and perfectly heal me—and that I shall live forever as a monument of His power and grace!”

-John Newton