Christ is the Troubled Believer’s Surest Help

And Hezekiah received the letter of the hand of the messengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went up into the house of the LORD, and spread it before the LORD. (2 Kings 19:14)

When we are surrounded by afflictions, we are prone to look for a carnal remedy; a way to escape the pain and hurt by some means of the flesh or by the power of man.  We too often must first exhaust all these earthly means before we take them to the throne of Grace for help (Hebrews 4:16).

Therefore set thy heart, believer, to take all your sorrows, all your troubles, all your pains, all your fears and lay them all before the throne of God. Do you not know that the voice of God’s saints is sweet in the ears of our Savior (Song of Solomon 2:14)?  Take all the letters of the enemy, all the complaints, and fears of our corrupt fleshly nature, all the oppositions of wicked men and spread them out before the LORD.

And all who wait on the LORD shall see His salvation (Proverbs 20:22).  All who wait on Him in faith shall be strengthened in their heart by the power of His might (Psalms 27:14).  Believer, set all thy cares upon Christ who cares for you.  Wait on Him and be of good courage, for He shall defend and save thee, not for thy merit, but for Christ’s sake (2 Kings 19:34).  He will save us for Jesus’ sake, and none of His saints shall be lost. None of His children shall ever perish, and no one shall ever pluck us from His hand (John 6:37-40; John 10:27-30).

O child of God, why do you wait to call on thy God?  Why will you forfeit so many blessings and mercies and trust in the arm of your flesh that constantly fails you?  Come now, and cast all your cares on Him and He will give you what is appointed to Zion — beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of prayer for the spirit of heaviness” (Isaiah 61:3).

Everlasting Salvation is Provided by the One Immutable God

For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. (Malachi 3:6)

There is only one God. The god’s of natural men are many. They are called by different names, but they all have this in common; they are mutable. The god’s of men change with the times and cultures of men. They change because they are idols of their imaginations.

The True God says to fallen man, “Thou thoughtest I was altogether such an one as thyself” (Ps. 50:21). But here in this text, we may see the difference between the true God and all false gods. The false gods of men are much like themselves. They are changeable. They change either because of circumstances, imperfections in themselves or their followers. But the LORD God of Heaven says, “I am THE (only) LORD.” This is the difference between Him and other gods; “I Change NOT…”

Therefore, the only true God does not change in any of His attributes.  Neither shall any of His purposes or decrees fail.

Behold, the love of God does not change. God says to His elect people, “I have loved thee with an everlasting love” (Jer. 31:3). The reason that the sons of Jacob shall not be consumed is that God has from the beginning set His love upon them. God has from the beginning chosen them to salvation by Jesus Christ (Eph.1:3-6).

The purpose and decrees of God do not change and cannot fail. God says “I am God, and there is none else . . . My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure” (Isa.46:9-10). Therefore none of all who God loved and purposed to save by Jesus Christ shall be lost or forsaken (Heb. 13:5).

Jesus Christ came into the world to do the will of the Father, which was to save His people from their sins (Mat. 1:21, Heb. 10:9-10).  It was the love and decree of God that Jesus Christ be the surety and Savior of His elect (Heb. 7:22).  So in boldness Jesus said, “of all which the Father hath given me I shall lose nothing but raise it up at the last day” (John 6:39).

Therefore, let the sons of Jacob, all who believe on Jesus Christ alone rejoice, for our God who loved us, and purposed to save us cannot and will not change (Rom. 11:29; 2 Tim. 2:13).

– Fred Evans

The Law is Old News; Christ is Good News!

All those who are trying to keep the Law of Moses for any part of their salvation are fallen from Grace. Whosoever they are that try to mix the salvation that Christ has accomplished with the deeds of the law; Paul says that Christ will profit them nothing (Galatians 5:2-4). It does not matter if their obedience is for their Justification, Righteousness, Redemption or Sanctification, as they are ignorant of the righteousness of God and know not the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 10:1-4).

The law of God is not a guide for the believer’s life, but it is the Law of God. If anyone is under the law, he is then subject to obey the whole law in every part.  If that man fails in one point, he is cursed and guilty of the whole law (Galatians 3:10; James 2:10). Therefore by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in God’s sight. All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. None are good, none are righteous, none seek after God, and none shall glory in the presence of God by his obedience (Romans 3:9-28).

Therefore the gospel of Jesus Christ is the best news for such ruined, hopeless, and vile sinners who have not, and cannot ever obtain righteousness by their obedience. For Jesus Christ has for sinners honored, magnified and obeyed the law in the stead of all those the Father gave to Him (Isaiah 42:21; Gal. 4:4). The law of God that demanded our perfect obedience Jesus has fulfilled in that God has said: “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” Jesus has satisfied the Justice of the law that demanded our death. For He by His one offering hath obtained eternal redemption for us. Jesus by His one offering hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.

Have you believed on the Son of God? Have you trusted on Him alone as all your righteousness, all your justification, all your wisdom, all your redemption and all your sanctification? Then rejoice, for Christ has freed us from the law of sin and death. In Christ we are righteous, we are redeemed, we are sanctified, and we are justified before God. Therefore Jesus our Lord and our Savior is the END of the Law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

Oh, believe on Christ and lean on Him! Rest all the weight of your soul on Him. To lean on Christ requires no strength from us but rather our weakness. To lean on Christ is to forsake all hopes of salvation by the law, seeing that all the Law witnessed of Him and His perfect work.

– Fred Evans

Every Pastor’s Desire

Every Pastor’s Desire:

1. To exalt the grace of God.

2. To proclaim salvation alone through the blood
and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. To declare the sinfulness, helplessness, and
hopelessness of man in a state of nature.

4. To describe, as far as I am able, the living
experience of the saints of God in their trials,
temptations, and sorrows–and in their
consolations and blessings.

– J.C Philpot

Resting on Mercy Shown in the Remission of Sin

And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.
 Hebrews 9:22

And now let me commend this remission by the shedding of blood to those who have not yet believed. Mr. Innis, a great Scotch minister, once visited an infidel who was dying. When he came to him the first time, he said, “Mr. Innis, I am relying on the mercy of God. God is merciful and He will never damn a man forever.” When he got worse and was nearer death, Mr. Innis went to him again and he said, “Oh, Mr. Innis, my hope is gone, for I have been thinking if God is merciful, God is Just, too. And what if, instead of being merciful to me, He should be just to me? What would then become of me? I must give up my hope in the mere mercy of God. Tell me how to be saved!” Mr. Innis told him that Christ had died in the place of all believers—that God could be just and yet the justifier through the death of Christ. “Ah,” he said, “Mr. Innis, there is something solid in that! I can rest on that. I cannot rest on anything else.”

  • C.H Spurgeon

False Religion is the Enemy of Believers

. . . Ye have nothing to do with us to build an house unto our God; but we ourselves together will build unto the LORD God of Israel . . . (Ezra 4:3)

In this verse of scripture, the nation of Judah was now free from Babylon and were sent of God to rebuild the Temple. Then came adversaries who desired to build with them (v1).  They wanted to mix their pagan gods with the worship of the Living God.  But Zerubbabel resisted and said, “Ye have nothing to do with us to build an house unto our God . . . ”.  Believer in Christ, this world of false religion is always seeking to mix their free will and works with the gospel of God’s free grace in Christ (Romans 11:6). Therefore we must resist compromising with them.  But as these adversaries caused Judah trouble, even so, when the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached without compromise, this world will hate you and the message you preach.  When we preach the message of Salvation by the free Grace of God through faith in Christ alone, we will be mocked and rejected (Eph.1:8-10).  If we hold that the Bible is the infallible word of God and that it is all about Jesus Christ, we will be counted ignorant and unlearned (1 Peter 1:24-25; Luke 24:27).  They will ask, “You don’t mean that God chose a people before the world began (Eph.1:2-3)?” “You don’t mean that Jesus Christ died only for those elect and that the Holy Spirit will quicken them all to life and faith in Christ (John 6:37-40)?”  “You don’t mean that all who will not believe on Jesus Christ alone as the only way to God will go to hell (Mark 16:16)?”  The answer we give must be a very compassionate but a firm “yes!”  From then on, beware.  They will try to trip you up or delay the ministry that God has given us to do; “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”

Believer, beware! When you are following the will of God, trouble is not far behind. But rejoice.  For the trial of your faith is much more precious than gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire. And herein is our comfort; that we who believe — who hold fast to the end — shall be forever received of our Lord Jesus. (1 Peter 1:5-7)

– Fred Evans

The Fall of False Religion

“Babylon is fallen, is fallen”  (Revelation 14:8)

In this book of Revelation false religion is pictured by this great whore because it is very seductive and attractive to the natural man (Rev.19:2).  It is also pictured by this great city Babylon because is its great size and power in this world. But no matter its attraction to men or its greatness in the earth, all false religion is fallen. It is fallen and cannot save for it always uses carnal means to produce a spiritual result.

Babylon says to sinners “do this and live. Obey the law and be acceptable to God. Exercise your free will to save your soul. Be baptized, and God will cleanse away your sins.” These are all carnal actions of men that cannot produce a spiritual result. The only hope for men is that God the Holy Spirit come and quicken the dead sinner to live (John 3:3-8). Therefore Paul said “Neither circumcision or uncircumcision availeth anything, but a new creature.” God must in Sovereign Grace and according to His Sovereign will quicken us with the word of Truth (James 1:18; John 1:12-13).

This Word of Truth is the only True Gospel; that God has chosen a people before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:3-6). Jesus Christ, in a covenant of Grace, became the mediator, redeemer, and Saviour of these elect people. Thus He has come into the world as a man and accomplished all their righteousness and Redemption for sins (Hebrews 9:12; 10:14). Then, at an appointed time, the Holy Spirit comes to them and quickens them to life and faith. And they will all believe on Christ and endure in the faith unto the end (John 6:37-40).

False religion is fallen and cannot save, but Jesus Christ is the victorious savior. He has come and redeemed His people. He who cannot fail nor be discouraged has saved all that the Father gave Him and not one of them will be lost. They will all come to God by Him. They will not come by the carnal means of the flesh but by the Sovereign Action and power of the Holy Spirit of God (Psalms 110:3; John 6:63). Therefore, you who believe, rejoice, for Babylon is fallen but Christ is victorious. The Great whore shall be destroyed, but the Bride of Christ which is His church shall be exalted forever by the side of Christ our Lord.

Oh, that sinners would come out from the great whore and believe on Jesus Christ Alone!

– Fred Evans

We are Responsible to Test our Teachers

Jesus told them this parable: Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into the pit?” Luke 6:39

See the great danger of listening to false religious teachers. Our Lord compares such teachers and their hearers, to the blind leading the blind; and asks the reasonable question, “Will they not both fall into the pit?”

The amount of evil which unsound religious teaching has brought on the Church in every age is incalculable! The man who hears such a false teacher runs a fearful risk himself of being lost eternally! “Will they not both fall into the pit?”

If we would escape the danger against which our Lord warns us, we must not neglect to prove the teaching that we hear, by the holy Scriptures. We must not believe things merely because ministers say them. We must not suppose, as a matter of course, that ministers can make no mistakes!
We must remember the advice of Paul and John “Test all things.” “Test the spirits, whether they are of God.” With the Bible in our hands, and the promise of guidance from the Holy Spirit to all who seek it — we shall be without excuse if our souls are led astray.

The blindness of ministers is no excuse for the darkness of the people! The man who from indolence, or superstition, or affected humility — refuses to test the teaching of the minister whom he finds set over him, however unsound it may be — will at length share his minister’s portion!

If people will trust blind guides — then they must not be surprised if they are led to the pit!

  • J.C Ryle

The Christian’s Secret Treasure

The fear of the Lord is his treasure. (Isaiah 33:6)


“The fear of the Lord is his treasure.” And, oh, what a treasure is this fear! Treasure in ancient times was generally hidden; it was concealed from the eye of man, hoarded up, and not brought out ostentatiously to view. Wealthy men of old hid the knowledge of their treasures, lest they should be robbed of them by the hand of violence.


So spiritually, the fear of the Lord is hidden in the heart, and lies deep in the soul; it is not spread out ostentatiously to view, but is buried out of sight in a man’s conscience. But though hidden from others, and sometimes even from ourselves, this “fear of the Lord” will act as circumstances draw it forth. There may be times and seasons when we seem almost hardened and conscience-seared; sin appears to have such power over us, and evil thoughts and desires so carry us away, that we cannot trace one atom of godly fear within; and the soul cries, “What will become of me! Where am I going now! What will come next on such a wretch as I feel myself to be!”

But place him in such circumstances, say, as befell Joseph, then he will find that the “fear of the Lord” is in him a fountain of life, a holy principle springing up in his soul. Thus, this fear, which is a part of the heavenly treasure, acts when most needed. And the more the life of God is felt in the soul, the more the fear of God flows forth as a fountain of life to depart from the snares of death. The more lively the grace of God is in the soul, the more lively will godly fear be in the heart; and the more the Spirit of God works with power in the conscience, the deeper will be the fear of God in the soul.
– J.C Philpot

Christ is the Treasure in the Scriptures

Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.  (Luke 24:25-27)
Look, therefore, always for Christ in the Scripture.  He is the treasure hid in the field, both of the Old and New Testament . . . Have Christ, then, always in view, when you are reading the Word of God, and this, like the star in the east, will guide you to the Messiah, will serve as a key to everything that is obscure, and unlock to you the wisdom and riches of all the mysteries of the kingdom of God.
– George Whitefield