They Are Gone

I want every child of God to realize the fact that at this very moment all of his sins are gone – effectually, completely, perfectly gone – through the great sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. All of your sins, from the cradle to the grave, sins before conversion and sins after conversion, and sins of every kind are washed away in Immanuel’s precious blood.

Since Christ has died in our stead, under the sentence of God’s law, we shall never be charged with sin. God has removed our sins from his book, from his memory, and from us. In Christ we have been freed from sin. “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:12).

Stephen Charnock said, “When sin is pardoned, it is never charged again; the guilt of it can no more return than east can become west, or west become east.” Spurgeon said, “Our sins are so effectually removed that we shall not ultimately suffer any loss or damage through having sinned. That detriment was laid on Christ. His was the loss: ours is the gain. His was the suffering: ours is the unutterable joy.” And God himself says, “I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins” (Isaiah 43:25).             

-Don Fortner

The Love of God is Eternal

As God’s love is without a cause, so it is without beginning. “The love of God which is in Christ” is not of yesterday. It did not begin in time. It bears the date of eternity upon it. He declares, “I have loved thee with an everlasting love” (Jer. 31). Try to realize this, if you can – As God the Father loved his Son from eternity, so he loved us from eternity. And as God’s love is in Christ, his love for Christ and his love for us are the same! (Read John 17:23). As he beholds his people in his dear Son, he loves us as he loves his Son, delights in us as he delights in his Son, and is pleased with us as he is pleased with his Son. 

-Don Fortner

The Savor of Christ

2 Corinthians 2:14-16

  The apostle gave thanks unto God because as he preached Christ, God always made him to triumph and made manifest the savor (spread abroad the knowledge of Christ) as the savor of a sacrifice. This savor is unto God a sweet savor of Christ in them that are saved. The preaching of Christ is a savor of life and death, and as Christ is preached, he is life to them who believe, receive, bow to, and rejoice in Him as their only pleas and righteousness before God. But even as Christ is preached, He is a savor unto death in them that perish – to them who won’t believe, won’t receive, won’t bow to, and don’t rejoice in Christ. They feel they don’t need the savor of a sacrifice before the holiness and justice of God. When the gospel is preached, there are two things always taking place (even though most are unaware of it); some are being prepared for glory, others are being hardened. Some are being brought to the light, some are left sitting in darkness. Some see Christ and His glory; others see no beauty about Him. Some who hear the gospel have their hearts made tender towards sin; others have their hearts hardened in sin. No wonder we say, “Who is sufficient for these things”? The question we should all be asking is, “How is the preaching of the gospel affecting me”?

-Donnie Bell, pastor of Lantana Grace Church in Crossville, TN, USA

We are having a gospel conference at our new church building on Friday, July 22 through July 24!

The gospel conference will be held at:
Redeemer’s Grace Church
4702 Greenleaf Rd
Sellersburg, IN 47172

Guest Preachers and Agenda:

Friday, July 22, 2022

7:00 PM EDT: David Eddmenson

7:45 PM EDT: Gabe Stalnaker

Pizza will be served in the fellowship hall- All welcome!

Saturday July 23, 2022:

10:00 AM EDT: Clay Curtis

10:45 AM EDT: David Eddmenson

Lunch will be served in the fellowship hall- All welcome!

Sunday July 24, 2022

10:00 AM EDT: Gabe Stalnaker

10:45 AM EDT: Clay Curtis

Lunch will be served in the fellowship hall – All welcome.

If you have any questions regarding our conference, or our church, please feel free to call anytime.

Pastor Fred Evans

Phone 502-558-7762

Ambassadors For Christ

Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God is beseeching through us. We implore on behalf of Christ: Be reconciled to God. (2 Corinthians 5:20)

We preachers need to listen to our own sermons often and determine whether or not we are doing what we were sent to do! Are we being, as Paul said, “ambassadors for Christ?” Paul also said, “I preach Christ — I determine to know nothing but Christ.” There is a great temptation to preach about the gospel instead of preaching the gospel. There is a tendency to preach the doctrines of election, atonement, and second-coming, sending our hearers away convinced of the truth of the doctrines but not in love with, and in awe of, the Son! Christ is the end of all preaching. “We are chosen in him.” All things are in Christ. “Christ in you” — that is the hope of glory!

-Henry Mahan

Every Soul Has A Beloved

Every soul has a beloved; something or someone in which to glory, rejoice, and enjoy.

To a believer, CHRIST is his beloved! He worships, loves, rejoices, and glories in the Lord Jesus above all things. Christ is my Beloved and I am His. Christ; His fellowship, His love, and His approval, are preferred above people, possessions, pleasures, or pursuits. Could One so illustrious and supreme deserve any less? “Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire beside You (Ps. 73:25)!”

-Henry Mahan

Our Idols

Have we not all in our various ways, set up some beloved idol—something which engaged our affections, something which occupied our thoughts, something to which we devoted all the energies of our minds, something for which we were willing to labor night and day? Be it money, be it power, be it esteem of men, be it respectability, be it worldly comfort, be it literary knowledge, there was a secret setting up of SELF in one or more of its various forms, and a bowing down to it as an idol.

The man of business makes money his god. The man of pleasure makes the lust of the flesh his god. The proud man makes his adored SELF his god. The Pharisee makes self-righteousness his god. The Arminian makes free-will his god. The Calvinist makes dry doctrine his god. All in one way or other, however they may differ in the object of their idolatrous worship, agree in this—that they give a preference in their esteem and affection to their peculiar idol, above the one true God. “And the idols He shall utterly abolish.” Isaiah 2:18

There is, then, a time to break down these idols which our fallen nature has set up. And have not we experienced some measure of this breaking down, both externally and internally? Have not our idols been in a measure smashed before our eyes, our prospects in life cut up and destroyed, our airy visions of earthly happiness and our romantic paradises dissolved into thin air, our creature-hopes dashed, our youthful affections blighted, and the objects from which we had fondly hoped to reap an enduring harvest of delight removed from our eyes?

And likewise, as to our religion—our good opinion of ourselves, our piety and holiness, our wisdom and our knowledge, our understanding and our abilities, our consistency and uprightness—have they not all been broken down, and made a heap of ruins before our eyes?

-J.C Philpot

The Truly Humble

A truly humble man is sensible . . .
of his natural distance from God;
of his dependence on Him;

of the insufficiency of his own power and wisdom;
that it is by God’s power that he is upheld and provided for; that he needs God’s wisdom to lead and guide him;
that he needs God’s might to enable him to do what he ought to do for Him.

-Jonathan Edwards

Faith Reviving

From whence this fear and unbelief?
Hast Thou, O Father, put to grief
And will the righteous Judge of men
Which, Lord, was laid on Thee?
If Thou hast my discharge procured,
And freely in my place endured
The whole of wrath Divine;
Payment God cannot twice demand
First at my bleeding Surety’s hand,
And then again at mine.
Complete atonement Thou hast made,
And to the utmost farthing paid,
What e’er Thy people owed;
How then can wrath on me take place,
If sheltered in Thy righteousness,
And sprinkled with Thy blood?
Turn, then, my soul, unto thy rest,
The merits of thy great High Priest
Speak peace and liberty.
Trust in His efficacious blood,
Nor fear thy banishment from God,
Since Jesus died for thee.

-Augustus Toplady

My Grace Is Sufficient For Thee

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me (2 Corinthians 12:9).

1.  Oppressed with unbelief and sin,

Fightings without, and fears within;

While earth and hell, with force combined,

Assault and terrify my mind.

2.  What strength have I against such foes,

Such hosts and legions to oppose?

Alas! I tremble, faint, and fall,

LORD save me, or I give up all.

3.  Thus sorely pressed I sought the LORD,

To give me some sweet cheering word;

Again I sought, and yet again,

I waited long, but not in vain.

4.  O! ’twas a cheering word indeed!

Exactly suited to my need;

“Sufficient for thee is my grace,

Thy weakness my great pow’r displays.”

5.  Now despond and mourn no more,

I welcome all I feared before;

Though weak I’m strong, though troubled blest,

For CHRIST’S own pow’r shall on me rest.

6.  My grace would soon exhausted be,

But his is boundless as the sea;

Then let me boast with holy Paul,

That I am nothing, CHRIST is all.

-John Newton