Christ Our Rock
A Psalm of David. Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit. (Psalms 28:1)
There is nothing more disturbing to the Heart of God’s child then the silence of God. It was by His voice we were raised from the dead. (John 5:25) It was by His voice we were exposed of our sins. (Deuteronomy 4:36) It was by His voice we heard of the blood of Christ that was once offered to put away sin. (1 Peter 1:18-25) It was by His voice we heard our sweet shepherd call our name and we followed Him and a strangers voice we will not follow. (John 10:4-11)
It is the voice of Christ that soothes our doubts and calms our fears. It is by His Holy Word that is preached, read and studied we are assured of the promises of God. But either because of our flesh, our sin or the circumstances of this world, we are at times not able to hear His voice nor feel His presence. Then our hearts fail within us. All becomes dark and despair fills our souls.
Are you dear saint in such a sad state as this? Are your overwhelmed because you do not hear your Beloved’s voice? It is then we must fall on our knees and cry unto the Lord Our Rock! Believer the Lord Jesus Christ is our Rock.
- He is the foundation Stone of God’s church upon which our souls and salvation are built. (Isaiah 28:16; Matthew 16:18)
- The Lord Jesus is our Rock of refuge upon whom all the fires of God’s Holy Justice have been forever quenched by His precious blood. (Isaiah 53:11; Hebrews 10:14) Cry out believer to Jesus Christ our Rock, for in Him God looks upon us with eyes of love and grace. (Psalm 17:8)
- The Lord Jesus is our Rock of Refreshment out of which flow the water of life for the assurance of our souls. (Psalm 114:8; 1Corinthians 10:4) Our souls were as the desolate wasteland, but now Christ has made them as the Garden of Eden. We are fenced city in Christ and He has inhabited us with His Holy Spirit. (Ezekiel 36:35)
- The Lord is our Rock of Protection from all our foes so that not one arrow of accusation shall fly over Him who is a wall of fire about us. (2 Kings 19:32; Zechariah 2:5)
Oh believer if such a Rock as Christ is OUR Rock; a supporting rock and sure foundation for our souls; a Sheltering Rock that has quenched the justice of God for our sins and protects us from all our foes; A Refreshing Rock that provides a never ceasing river of Grace. Whom then shall we fear? If Christ is such a rock for us, who then will be able to stand against us? (Romans 8:31) Speak to Christ thy rock and fortress and He will hear you! Christ is our strength and salvation. He will save His people. He will Bless His inheritance. HE will feed and lift us up in due time. Wait on Him believer and He will not remain silent for Christ is our Rock! (Psalm 28:8-9)
-Fred Evans