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God Does Not See Our Sin

“Noah planted a vineyard: and he drank of the wine, and was drunk; and he was naked in his tent” Genesis 9:20-21.

Some condition for Noah, the only righteous man, the preacher of righteousness, to be found in! BUT WHAT IS MAN? Look at him where you will, and you will see failure – in the garden of paradise, he fails; in the church, he fails; he fails everywhere and in all things. His true name is not MISTAKE, but FAILURE. His advantages are great, his privileges are great; but he can only display failure and sin because there is no good thing in him. “Noah was a just man and perfect in his generation, and Noah walked with God” (Genesis 6:9). Grace had covered all his sins and clothed his person with a spotless robe of righteousness. Noah displayed and exposed nakedness, but God did not see it; for He looked not at Noah in the weakness of his condition, but in the full power of Christ’s divine and everlasting righteousness. “We may have boldness in the day of judgment, because AS HE IS, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD” (I John 4:17)

-Scott Richardson
