"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord .” Join us at 4702 Greenleaf Road, Sellersburg, IN USA 47172

God’s Comfort for Saints

All of God’s saints have need of comfort. This is because we are born again of the Spirit, and have a righteous nature that hates sin. Yet in each of us still dwells that old man of sin which Paul calls “the body of this death.” Thus we are very troubled by our sin. We are at constant warfare with our own flesh, Satan and this present evil world.

And though we are the children of God we must also suffer the common troubles and afflictions of men (1 Cor. 10:13).

How evil are those false religionist and liars who say that God only wants us to be happy, healthy and wealthy in this world (John 16:33)! They are no comfort to the true saints of God. They rather cause them to doubt and question their salvation because our experience in this life is full of trouble, sorrow, sickness, and poverty.  Therefore, we are often like Rebekah, when the twins struggled in her womb, and she inquired of the Lord, “If it be so, why am I thus?” (Gen. 25:22)

If I am a child of God, chosen of the Father, Redeemed of the Son then why am I so troubled within my own soul?  Why am I so cast down, afflicted, and tormented?  Why am I made to suffer in this mortal frame if I am so loved of God? Where is such a tried soul to find comfort?  Where can we find peace and strength to weather the storms of this life?

The Holy Spirit, knowing our need of such comfort, has called his preachers and given us a simple command:  Comfort ye, Comfort ye my people saith the Lord.

And this is the comfort we are to give you. That Jesus Christ has accomplished all your warfare. He has taken all the sin of our souls and by His one offering to God has forever purchased our pardon (Heb.9:12; 10:14). So great was His offering that God has counted it as double for all our sins!  Therefore, rejoice in your suffering and sorrow because God’s Justice is satisfied and you are accepted of Him in Jesus Christ!  This will not comfort the world, but it does settle the heart of God’s people.
