"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord .” Join us at 4702 Greenleaf Road, Sellersburg, IN USA 47172

God’s Love and Mercy Is Never Withdrawn From The Believer

Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it. (Numbers 23:20)

When Satan comes before God to-day with the remembrance of your sins, and he desires that he may curse Israel, but he has found a hundred times that there is no enchantment against Jacob nor divination against Israel. He took David into the sin of lust, and he found that God would not curse him there, but bless him with a sorrowful chastisement and with a deep repentance. He took Peter into the sin of denying his Master, and he denied him with oaths and curses. But the Lord would not curse him even there, but turned and looked on Peter, not with a lightning glance that might have shivered him, but with a look of love that made him weep bitterly. He had taken you and me at divers times into positions of unbelief, and we have doubted God. Satan said — “Surely, surely God will curse him there,” but never once has he done it. He has smitten, but the blow was full of love. He has chastised, but the chastisement was fraught with mercy. He has not cursed us, nor will he. Thou canst not turn God’s mind, then, fiend of hell, thine enchantments cannot prosper, and thine accusations shall not prevail. “He is in one mind, who can turn him?”

And brethren, you know when men are turned, they are sometimes turned by advice. Now, who can advise with God? Who shall counsel the Most High to cast off the darlings of his bosom, or persuade the Saviour to reject his spouse? Such counsel offered were blasphemy, and it would be not pugnant to his soul. But God is of one mind, and no revengeful prayer should change the purpose of his love. God’s only begotten Son is as much concerned in our salvation as his Father, and instead of interposing to change, he would — if such a thing were needed — still continue to plead that the love and mercy of God might never be withdrawn. Oh, let us rejoice in this, —

“Midst all our sin, and care, and woe, His Spirit will not let us go.”

The Lord will not forsake his people for his great name’s sake; because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people. “He is in one mind, and who can turn him?”

-C.H Spurgeon
