"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord .” Join us at 4702 Greenleaf Road, Sellersburg, IN USA 47172

God’s People Taught Down

“All your children shall be taught of the Lord.” Isaiah 54:13 God’s teaching does not leave a man where it found him– dead, stupified, worldly, unfeeling, and carnal. If he is in distress, it does not leave him in distress; if he feels guilty, it does not leave him guilty; if he is in darkness, it does not leave him in darkness; but it…

The Believer’s Undefilable Treasure

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels.” (2 Corinthians 4:7) Gold and silver, those precious metals, take no injury, receive no spot of corruption from the vessel in which they are contained; let them be buried in the damp earth, no tarnish or rust forms upon them. So spiritually, the grace of God in the heart, surrounded as it is with…

Purposed to Righteousness

Thy people also shall be all righteous: they shall inherit the land for ever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified.(Isaiah 60:21)      This surely was God’s Sovereign will from all eternity that all His chosen people should be righteous.  God has decreed that His elect should be holy and without blame and…

The Trials of God’s Saints

Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ    (1 Peter 1:6-7)      Remember…

Arise, Shine Believer

Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. (Isaiah 60:1) Believers in this world are often surrounded by darkness.  We are often pierced by the dark accusations of Satan.  We are often caught in the dark snares of this world’s allurements and the darkness of our own sinful flesh seems to hide the…

Boasting of an Unskilled Sailor

Peter answered and said unto him, Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended. Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. Peter said unto him, Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee. Likewise also said all…

This World is Not Our Friend

Surely one who is only a mere professor of faith in Christ may live at ease with this world. He may love the world and be loved by the world. He is not offended by their temptations to depart from Christ and His church. And the world is not offended by his gospel or his Christ. But this is not so with…

Trusting Christ

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)   We are often confused as to how God will perform what He has promised us in His word.  God surely has promised us that “All things will work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His…

The Greatest Fool

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good. (Psalms 53:1) Truly it is self evident that any man who says that there is no God is a Great fool.  To say that there is no God is to deny all human reason and conscience that are…


O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever. 1 Chronicles 16:34  It is only the believing sinner that has an interest in sovereign mercy. Those who imagine themselves to be righteous within themselves find the infinite mercy of our sovereign God to be quite offensive. But the child of God has been made to…