The Basics of Baptism
- WHAT IS BAPTISM? It is an ordinance of God (one of only two, the Lord’s supper being the other) given for a confession of faith and a symbol of salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ (Mark 16:16; Col. 2:12; Rom. 6:3).
- WHO IS TO BE BAPTIZED? Not infants and not unbelievers. Believers only should be baptized; all those who believe with all their heart that “Jesus Christ is the Son of God” should not be hindered (Acts 8:26-38).
- WHY SHOULD ALL BELIEVERS BE BAPTIZED? Primarily because Christ commands it! It is not optional but simply a matter of obedience to our Lord. Consequently, it is also encouraging to the new believer who is being baptized and edifying to the rest of the church (Matt. 7:21-23; Matt. 10:32-33; Rom. 10:9-10).
- WHEN SHOULD BELIEVERS BE BAPTIZED? A very singular answer here – immediately! Upon bowing in faith to the Lordship of Christ (Acts 2:38-41; Acts 9:18; Acts 16:31).
- HOW SHOULD BELIEVERS BE BAPTIZED? The word “baptize” is not a complicated word; it means “to dip or plunge into”, thus, immersion is the ONLY mode of baptism. Also, this was the method used by our Lord Himself and the Apostles.
-Bruce Crabtree, Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, New Castle, Indiana, USA