"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord .” Join us at 4702 Greenleaf Road, PO Box 57, Sellersburg, IN 47172-0057

Nothing But Sovereign Grace:

As the Lord is pleased to open our eyes, we shall see more what grace is- how pure, how free, and how sovereign.  We shall see our sins so great -that nothing but free grace can pardon them; our backslidings so aggravated- that nothing but free grace can heal them; our hearts so hard- that nothing but free grace can soften them; our path so rough -that nothing but free grace can help us over it; and our death so dreadful- that nothing but the grace of God can take away its sting and make us shout, “Victory!” even in its very arms!  We shall find nothing but sovereign grace can make us holy or happy either for time or eternity!

There is an out going of the single desire of the soul to the Lord Jesus Christ that His grace may be ever flowing forth into us, so as to dispel all doubt and fear-break to pieces all bounds and fetters- fill us with love and humility- conform us to His suffering image -produce in us every fruit that shall redound to His praise- be with us in life and death -and land us safe in eternity!


-J.C Philpot
