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This Is The Saint’s Inheritance!

And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. Romans 8:17

This is the especial blessedness of being a child of God: that death, which puts a final extinguisher on all the hopes and happiness of all the unregenerate—gives him the fulfillment of all his hopes and the consummation of all his happiness—for it places him in possession of “an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, and that
fades not away, reserved in heaven.”

In this present earthly life, we have sometimes sips and tastes of sonship, feeble indeed and interrupted; yet are they so far pledges of an inheritance to come.

But this life is only an introduction to a better. In this life we are but children—but in the life to come, we shall be put into full possession of the eternal inheritance.

And what is this? Nothing less than God Himself. “Heirs of God!” says the Apostle. God Himself is the inheritance of His people—yes, He Himself in
all His glorious perfections . . .
  all the love of God,
  all the goodness of God,
  all the holiness of God,
  all His happiness, bliss, and blessedness,
  all His might, majesty, and glory, in
  all the blaze of one eternal, unclouded day!

This is the saint’s inheritance!

Let us press on by faith and prayer to
win this eternal and glorious crown!

– J. C. Philpot
