“the eyes of your understanding being enlightened.” Ephesians 1:18
Everything depends upon the opened eye: the scene may be fair, and the light may be bright, but if the sight be gone all is in vain.
Zedekiah had his eyes put out by the king of Babylon, and then he was taken down to the imperial city, but for aught he could enjoy of all its splendor he might as well have been in a desert. There were vast halls and palaces, and hanging gardens and a city wall which was the wonder of the world, so that Babylon is called by the prophet “the glory of kingdoms and the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency”; but the blinded monarch beheld nothing of all the grandeur of the golden city, and to him her wealth was as though it had not been.
Thus is it with us by nature, we have no apprehension of spiritual things, no power to discern eternal good, but our foolish heart is darkened. Therefore the Lord must first enlighten the eyes of our understanding, or else, however precious the truth, and however clearly it may be stated, we shall never be able to apprehend it.
-C.H Spurgeon