“Babylon is fallen, is fallen” (Revelation 14:8)
In this book of Revelation false religion is pictured by this great whore because it is very seductive and attractive to the natural man (Rev.19:2). It is also pictured by this great city Babylon because is its great size and power in this world. But no matter its attraction to men or its greatness in the earth, all false religion is fallen. It is fallen and cannot save for it always uses carnal means to produce a spiritual result.
Babylon says to sinners “do this and live. Obey the law and be acceptable to God. Exercise your free will to save your soul. Be baptized, and God will cleanse away your sins.” These are all carnal actions of men that cannot produce a spiritual result. The only hope for men is that God the Holy Spirit come and quicken the dead sinner to live (John 3:3-8). Therefore Paul said “Neither circumcision or uncircumcision availeth anything, but a new creature.” God must in Sovereign Grace and according to His Sovereign will quicken us with the word of Truth (James 1:18; John 1:12-13).
This Word of Truth is the only True Gospel; that God has chosen a people before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:3-6). Jesus Christ, in a covenant of Grace, became the mediator, redeemer, and Saviour of these elect people. Thus He has come into the world as a man and accomplished all their righteousness and Redemption for sins (Hebrews 9:12; 10:14). Then, at an appointed time, the Holy Spirit comes to them and quickens them to life and faith. And they will all believe on Christ and endure in the faith unto the end (John 6:37-40).
False religion is fallen and cannot save, but Jesus Christ is the victorious savior. He has come and redeemed His people. He who cannot fail nor be discouraged has saved all that the Father gave Him and not one of them will be lost. They will all come to God by Him. They will not come by the carnal means of the flesh but by the Sovereign Action and power of the Holy Spirit of God (Psalms 110:3; John 6:63). Therefore, you who believe, rejoice, for Babylon is fallen but Christ is victorious. The Great whore shall be destroyed, but the Bride of Christ which is His church shall be exalted forever by the side of Christ our Lord.
Oh, that sinners would come out from the great whore and believe on Jesus Christ Alone!
– Fred Evans