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The Father’s Will

“I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of Him that sent me.” (John 6:38)

We all recognize that these are the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. They concern His Father’s will in sending Him into this world. He then follows by telling us three things that the Father’s will includes and that He came to do. The Father’s will that he came to do includes:

(1) Not losing one that the Father gave Him. When was He given a people? It was from eternity when He was set up to be the Mediator of the everlasting covenant. He was given a people, whom the Father chose in Him, and God’s will is that he not lose one of them.

(2) Raising up in the last day each and every one the Father gave Him. This meant that He must do for them all that is needed to make them “meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light (Col. 1:12).” He must live and die for them as their substitute and surety; to pay their sin debt and give them a righteousness that God would accept.

(3) Giving everlasting life to everyone who sees and believes on Him. Question: Who would be so foolish to declare that the Lord Jesus failed to do the will of His Father? Answer: Everyone who teaches that Christ only made salvation possible, rather than certain for all those He was given. Everyone who teaches that there are those in hell for whom Christ died, rather than His blood redeeming all those given to Him. Everyone who teaches that salvation is dependent on man’s supposed free will, rather than “on God that showeth mercy.”

-David Pledger, Pastor of Lincolnwood Baptist Church, Houston, TX USA
