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Posts by Fred Evans (Page 20)

The Gospel Is Good News, Or Glad Tidings

The Gospel is sent from Heaven, proclaimed on earth, heard by sinners, and gladly embraced by those who are ordained to eternal life. The Gospel informs us that eternal redemption is obtained, a way into the holiest opened, and all condemnation removed from those who believe in Jesus. The gospel reveals . . . a Savior, in whom we must trust; a Sovereign, whom we must obey; a Priest, on…

The Father’s Will

“I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of Him that sent me.” (John 6:38) We all recognize that these are the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. They concern His Father’s will in sending Him into this world. He then follows by telling us three things that the Father’s will includes and that He came…

No Matter How Deep

At that moment the Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. (Luke 22:61) There was a deep meaning in that look. It was a sermon which Peter never forgot. The love of Christ toward His people is a deep well which has no bottom! Let us never measure it by comparison with any kind of love of man or woman. It exceeds all other love—as far as the sun exceeds the…

What Does It Cost To Be A Christian?

“Any of you who does not give up everything he has, cannot be My disciple.” Luke 14:33  I grant freely that it costs little to be a mere outward Christian. A man has only got to attend a place of worship twice on Sunday, and to be tolerably moral during the week — and he has gone as far as thousands around him ever…

Salvation By Our Gospel

In our religious age, many men tell us that it does not matter where you go to church as long as you go somewhere. But this is wrong on many different levels. The first reason that comes to mind is that not everyone that is a preacher is sent of God. Many men have gone out with a message but not with…

God Is Sovereign In Salvation

The LORD is absolutely Sovereign in all things. He is Sovereign in creation, in providence and especially the Salvation of sinners (Isaiah 46:10-13; Psalm 115:3). The scripture says God, in sovereign election, loved Jacob and hated Esau — and this before they were ever born having done neither good nor evil (Romans 9:11-13). This is the doctrine of election that the self-righteous…

Christ Is Worthy Of All Glory And Praise

It has been the distinctive aim, and the sincere desire of my ministry — to make known and to endear the Savior to your hearts. Oh, how worthy is He of your most exalted conceptions, of your most implicit confidence, of your most self-denying service, of your most fervent love! When He could give you no more — and the fathomless depths…

Feeding Sheep, Or Amusing Goats?

An evil is in the ‘professed’ camp of the Lord, so gross in its impudence, that the most shortsighted Christian can hardly fail to notice it. During the past few years, this evil has developed at an alarming rate. It has worked like leaven until the whole lump ferments! The devil has seldom done a more clever thing, than hinting to the…
